Pabst Blue Ribbon sponsered an art opening at the Vain Hair Salon in Denver. Tina McKKevor of Vain, Arthur Williams of Babylon Flowers and Sara D of the Glow agency all pulled this together for the show. The models were awesome, what attitude, and it was so much fun to shoot them. I'll post more later. Enjoy!!!
So I keep working at this Dianna camera, and I'm ironing out some problems. Camera shake seems to be a huge issue, and I thought I was just getting old and starting to shake. But as it turns out a tripod is all I need. I love the abstract nature and the grittiness of the images this camera produces. I'm sure I'm the only one that thinks these look cool, but don't they? I'm going out for Maritinis with my camera and tripod, so we'll see if the camera shake goes away or not. Have a good one.
Renee and Craig aren't they fabulous? We played Zoolander in this great junkyard. The guy who owned it couldn't get over the fact that people who were getting married wanted to be photographed in his junk. We thought it rocked!!! These two are so Hot.