Sometimes you meet people in your life who are truly amazing. Amanda and Jon are one of those couples. I love all of my couples and feel really lucky to have such a great group of people who chose to work with me. Back to Amanda and Jon. Amanda is the head of the in Colorado that deals in human trafficking. Some of the stories she told me are amazing and the fact that she has dedicated her life, so far, is amazing to me. She is an awesome woman, soft and gentle and loving and dedicated. And Jon. He deals in infectious disease. I mean what a powerful couple for our world. And he is just as kind and loving as Amanda. I know that what they do together as a team, will make our world a better place. We should all be grateful.
Deja, isn't she beautiful? We had so much fun at this shoot. She was so brave and freezing in the lake. I have to give a shout out to my good friend Leah Ballinger from Blue Bridal Couture for loaning me the amazing dresses.
I've been practicing my off camera lighting quite a bit, I had to recruit my neighbors and my daughter to model, but I think the light looks so cool. I've tried it at engagment sessions and weddings, but it's too hard to deal with when your running around like a monkey. I was hoping it would be easier. I've also enlisted the help of another neighbor to come with on these shoots to help with the lighting. He has also proven to be a very creative photographer so I hope he hangs around for ahwile.