Saturday, January 29, 2011

A day of shooting abstract

I have always had a love of landscape. When I first started photography, that is all that I shot. I am so intrigued by the things made naturally and the things that are man made and mix with the natural environment. I love that an old Cottonwood tree was wanted, yet to make room for mankind, it had to be split for some telephone wires. It stands strong, unmoved by the split. That is so powerful to me. I also really love to experiment with the abstract. To look at something and wonder what it really is. Again, that feels like looking into someone. Who are they really. I am always fascinated by myself. By all the things I convince myself are true about myself. And I know that being a photographer I am always looking in, into people themselves, and into things. I am so interested in the story of each person and of things left to be. Why is a person the way they are. What beliefs do they hold? Why did someone leave that old building? Who lived in it? What was the story? Life is so full of stories. I guess that is why I like to tell them with my camera.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Some of my favorite things

Today I was visiting with a friend and we started talking about trees and our shared love of trees. I have always been so in love with the giant cottonwoods that are all over Colorado. They represent strength and perseverance to me. I love that they have withstood the passage of time and I wonder if they could talk, what would they say, what have they seen? Here are a few images from my beloved tree series.